The Consultative Sales Programme is divided into 3 key areas with Post Course Coaching following each learning event. Each of these learning events can be delivered as a single offering or a set of learning events that are linked to ensure People, Process and relevant Technology are all aligned with your unique sales environment.
Sales at your organisation is about selling the best possible solutions, representing your brand in a positive and professional manner, and cementing key customer relationships for the long term.
The techniques discussed and agreed during all of these learning events will be ethical, customer friendly, subtle in design and very influential in effect.
This programme will be thought provoking and interactive providing tangible solutions that are easily applied in real world terms.
Learning Events:
Consultative Sales 1 (CS1) - Telephone Lead Generation and Appointment Making
Post Course Coaching (PCC)
Consultative Sales 2 (CS2) - Effective Sales Meetings
Post Course Coaching (PCC)
Consultative Sales for Managers (CSM) - Coaching Skills for Managers
Post Course Coaching (PCC)
Research & Consult at your site
For any of the above Learning Events to be successful, Razza Zar will need to initially spend time at your site to:
Conduct needs analysis
Understanding your unique sales environment, how it is working today for you and how you want to develop its effectiveness for the future
Meet and Consult with your Sales Director / Sales Managers / Sales Team members
Understand your business and your unique customers
Describe how the Consultative Sales Programme will work for you
CS1 - Telephone Lead Generation and Appointment Making
Duration - 2 days
Picking up the phone to make a cold call or take a call from an existing customer who is a little “frosty” can feel like a tough thing to do. Many sales people would prefer to “Farm” existing customers rather than “Hunt” for new ones. Fear of rejection, dealing with personality types that may prove to be difficult are just two reason why “hunting” may feel undesirable.
Telephone Sales Training will introduce relevant Sale’s staff to extremely effective and relevant telephone sales techniques, addressing a variety of needs that individuals may have within their unique roles when selling (generating leads, scheduling appointments, collecting vital data).
Participants will then have an opportunity to practice their newfound skills in a safe environment and feel comfortable with these agreed and renewed approaches. Calls may be “recorded” within the training room to help each individual realise when and where they are being effective.
The learning event culture will allow sales staff to prepare a consistent yet professional / personalised approach to using the telephone that ensures they are able to capitalise on sales opportunities whilst enhancing the strong level of customer relationship. The training will also allow new and existing sales staff to discuss unique challenges that they are experiencing or likely to experience and agree the best sales approach to address these challenges.
Workshop outputs include:
Overcome “gate keeper” objection quickly
Become self aware as a sales person and understand our “default” approaches to selling. What is working for us and what is not
Sell the idea of an appointment or increase interest for a follow-up call
Earn customers time, respect and relationship
Use clear, friendly, un-robotic sales approach that promotes a long term loyal relationship
Use powerful questioning and listening techniques to both challenge and inspire the customer
Refine our communication style and approach ensuring we have the flexibility to deal with a variety of unique personality types
Gaining healthy commitment levels from clients when required
Managing own emotional state better (reducing nerves)
Control and direct conversation flow, in order to understand customer challenges, increasing customer confidence and gain appropriate commitment levels
Recognise buying signals and close accordingly
Go “beyond being an order taker” and understand your customers unique requirements
Agree a telephone sales structures that is unique for your calls
CS2 - Effective Sales Meetings
Duration - 2 days
The key focus for this session is on the Sales Meeting itself. Many sales people often leave a sales meeting thinking that they haven’t really been as successful as they wanted to be.
The list can be endless for reasons why the customer did not commit. Here are a few examples:
The sales person may not have planned or prepared well, done their homework / research
Lack of real “Value Proposition” for a Product, Service, Organisation or Self
Did not really consult, went into “Tell” mode for too long
Did not read their audience well, Professional Sales People need to be able to read both verbal (Vocal delivery style) non-verbal queues (Body Language) quickly.
This thought provoking and insightful Learning Event will allow all sales staff to have ample time to experiment with agreed sales approaches and strategy. The time we have together will be a strong combination of reviewing personal sales skills / ability and how to move from “product provider to a strategic partner” with your customers.
Sales people will learn the art of selling utilising a “seamless selling approach”. This approach is exactly as the title suggests, an approach to gaining customer confidence, generate enthusiasm for the your brand and gain valuable customer commitment at each stage. This will all be done without it feeling like a transparent sales process for the customer and the sales person.
Consultative Selling is also about having meaningful dialogue with the customer and understanding their pain and gain points and advising how best to address these. It is also critical to recognise when and how to pre close and close. The more you know and understand about your customer, the better you can support them.
Workshop outputs include:
Develop and agree sales techniques / strategy that we want to apply in real world terms, not because we have to
Agreeing our “Value Proposition” for 3 key areas: Organisation, Product / Service and Me. Then being able to deliver this Value proposition in a timely and effective manner
Exploring how and why customer personalities are very different at times to our own and how best to work with these unique personality types
Agree Sales Structure – Guideline structure for face to face sales meeting that encourages a great deal of personal confidence
Tell Versus Ask – “Consultative selling” allows for a better engagement and long term working relationship
Body language – reading the objection or buying signal and responding accordingly
Increasing our ability to Influence by introducing a “Influence Structure”
Deep Structure Questioning techniques ensuring we are consulting with confidence
Consistent yet flexible approach to Consultative selling
CSM - Coaching Skills for Sales Managers
Duration - 2 days
Coaching should never feel like a “box ticking” exercise for both the coach and the person being coached. For effective coaching to really work, we need to understand what coaching really means. How and when is it used and with whom?
The primary purpose of coaching is to inspire attitude and behaviour change to help the individual to make relevant changes in their business performance
This powerful two day Sales Coaching Course will cover all aspects of effective coaching skills, along with defining the role of a coach within the context of your organisation. At the start of the course, a Health Check will be carried out, to help Sales Managers to identify their ‘default’ style of coaching and propose renewed approaches to build on existing knowledge.
The purpose of the Health Check is to increase self-awareness amongst the Sale Managers of their own coaching style and help them to flex their approach when dealing with diverse personality types within their teams.
Coaching skills / structure, guidelines and best practices will be covered so that Sales Managers will have an understanding of the role of a coach to drive sales performance. Models such as GROW and BEST will be covered, aligning the tools to the goals of the Sales Function.
Sales Managers will be introduced to tried and tested coaching skills that are easily transferrable into their working day, ensuring a rewarding feeling of return on investment
Most importantly all Managers will have a consistent appreciation of Sales Coaching within the context of their environment and how a little time invested will have a dramatic effect on the teams Sales Performance.
Course Objectives:
Understand how coaching is a strategic aspect of their Management role
Develop the role of coach appropriately to enable learning and the development of new skills and attitudes to support Consultative Selling
Sharing the success and best practice of great performers to inspire relevant change in others
Accurately assessing the development level and needs of the individuals that require coaching
Tailoring coaching to suit the individual’s development level and learning style by using the right skills at the right time
Providing feedback to inspire relevant change
Sharing tough messages to create desired effects
Reviewing, evaluating and improving own performance as a coach
Empowering and Motivating the individual and team to achieve more
Post Course Coaching (PCC)
Following your attendance on the above learning events, you will be provided with one to one coaching with Razza Zar
This Post Course Sales Coaching will provide a unique level of support for each individuals learning style and provide a powerful space for the sales person to transform their current approach and achieve desired results they want.
Post course coaching will be made available to both Sales Managers and Sales Team Members to ensure that the momentum of skills transfer continues where it counts most.